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Home » Are You a Suitable Candidate for Porcelain Veneers?

Are You a Suitable Candidate for Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers are cap-like shells that dentists place as a cosmetic and protective covering over the front teeth.

Veneers are custom-made to suit the patient’s teeth and can improve one’s appearance to a significant extent. They are a convenient tool for hiding and correcting stained and chipped teeth. Damaged and discoloured teeth is a cause of embarrassment and self-consciousness for many. Porcelain veneers provide a reliable cover for all such issues of the teeth.

To install porcelain veneers in the mouth, your dentist will first remove a little portion of enamel. The teeth will be observed then for the preparation of a mould. While the mould is being prepared, you may be suggested to wear temporary veneers. At your next appointment, the veneers are matched and then integrated to your teeth. After the placement of veneers, the dentist will ask you for any experience of discomfort and re-adjustments. This is a great opportunity to let them know if any.

Veneers don’t require much aftercare or maintenance. You do not need to avoid any specific foods and beverages. However, they do get tinted in the long term if the patient regularly consumes coffee, red wine, etc.

Are porcelain veneers suitable for you?

To figure out if you are suitable for porcelain veneers, see if your situation matches any of the following. Your dentist will finally be the best person to recommend whether the treatment is right for you or not, but the following can act as a general guide.

Seriously stained teeth

Today various teeth whitening treatments are available that can improve minor to moderate teeth discoloration. Problem arises when the teeth are so severely stained that whitening treatments just don’t work. If you also have the same concern, porcelain veneers are recommended. They hide surface to inner discoloration of the teeth.

Appearance and cosmetic problems

If you are looking for means to conceal crooked teeth, misaligned teeth, cracks, etc. porcelain veneers are a good way to go. Although other options are also available, they are not as effective as porcelain veneers.

Normal to good oral health

Before you undergo this procedure make sure you have healthy teeth as well as healthy gums. If your oral health is not in a condition to get veneers you can always get treatment to fix your issues and then later get your porcelain veneers fixed into your teeth. 

Enough thickness of tooth enamel

Veneers have to be adhered to your enamel. A little surface portion of enamel is removed but another layer is still required for the veneer to bond properly to the surface. If you have insufficient tooth enamel, you cannot get porcelain veneers.

Average straight teeth

In order to get veneers, it is essential that you do not have severely crooker/ chipped teeth. You also have to make sure you don’t have any history of grinding or clenching teeth. Porcelain cannot tolerate this much movement even though it is reliable.

Good dental hygiene

You must practice good dental hygiene. That includes brushing twice, flossing and getting regular check-ups. Even after the veneers are successfully placed, it is important to keep them healthy and hygienic.

Gaps between teeth

It often happens we don’t have evenly spaced teeth. They are often misaligned also. Porcelain veneers can help with that. They can enhance shape, size, and alignment problems in one go.

Your smile needs a polish

If your smile has become visibly dull due to stained, damaged teeth, then you should definitely consider getting veneers. It will brighten your smile by covering up for those teeth. Your smile will be better than before.

Advantages and disadvantages

If you are eligible and have finally decided to get porcelain veneers, here are a few things you should know.

Let’s start with the cons of using dental veneers:

  • They are irreversible and cannot be removed. If you have a change of mind after fixing the veneers, unfortunately you cannot undo them
  • The enamel becomes sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, since a thin layer is removed out
  • They are not suitable for falling/ moving teeth. Other dental procedures are suggested for that purpose
  • Porcelain veneers may break or crack if they are under too much pressure
  • Long lasting veneers can be expensive

These were the shortcomings of using veneers. There are a lot of advantages too.

  • The first one is that no special maintenance routine is required to look after them. A normal brushing, flossing and mouth washing routine is enough to keep them healthy and in-check
  • The process is simple and easy. The veneers correct all the issues you have with your teeth easily without hassle
  • They don’t get stained as easily as natural teeth. It only happens when the consumption of staining foods and beverages is continual. Limiting the quantity of such foods is recommended though
  • They are custom made and hence very attractive. They also be prepared in such a way that they blend in with the natural colour of the teeth
  • The porcelain veneers can fix many problems at once
  • They are permanent and can last years. They can resist stains and cavities even better than natural teeth.
  • They whiten teeth well. Many patients opt for teeth whitening treatments in hopes of getting whiter, brighter teeth. But they have to receive the treatment again and again as the procedure is not permanent. In such cases, porcelain veneers can be helpful since they whiten teeth permanently.
  • Dental veneer procedure can be combined with other procedures as well. Doing so can create amazing results. Some procedures may be performed together to create a smile brighter and more beautiful than before.

These are all the things you need to know about porcelain veneers. The cost of getting veneers is well worth the results you will be seeing. Porcelain veneers are a worthy investment as there are many benefits. You will feel your confidence soaring and will become more comfortable in social situations. Veneers are also easy to maintain and contribute to better oral hygiene as well.

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